About Chris Heagarty



Voter Guide Responses

News & Observer Candidate Survey 2022


Raleigh Chamber of Commerce Candidate Survey 2022

IndyWeek 2022 Candidate Survey

Disability Rights North Carolina 2022 Candidate Survey

NCVoterGuide.Org – Produced by Common Cause North Carolina

Meet Chris Heagarty

A Parent and Product of Wake County Public Schools

I grew up as a resident of Wake County and attended our local public schools (York Elementary, School, Crosby-Garfield Sixth Grade Center, Daniels (now Oberlin) Middle School and Enloe High School). My wife and I have a son and daughter currently enrolled in our public schools  and we have both been active parents. I have served as a PTA officer and volunteer while my wife has managed the school spelling bee and been a classroom volunteer.

As a parent I know the challenges our schools face, but also how great they can be. Having the perspective of a parent, with my knowledge of how the school system works, has allowed me to help other parents navigate red-tape and bureaucracy in advocating for their own kids.

A Leader in Public Education

I was appointed to fill the vacant seat in District 7 in 2018 and was re-elected in 2020. I currently serve as the Vice-Chair of the Wake County Board of Education and also serve on the Board of Directors of the North Carolina School Boards Association.  I previously served in the NC House of Representatives where I sponsored legislation promoting STEM programs and civics education, legislation to increase the child care tax credit, and legislation to protect children from on-line predators and identify theft; and I was endorsed by local teachers organizations.

Community Service

I am a volunteer in the community, working for years with Wake County PAGE (Parents for Academically Gifted Education) to provide enrichment activities for gifted children, and helping parents advocate for the services their children need.

 I am a dedicated mentor and instructor for youth – a past youth league coach, Sunday school teacher and youth group leader, a volunteer with the county spelling bee, and an AAU volunteer scorekeeper and announcer.

In support of active, healthy youth, I work professionally to provide financial assistance to help students in low wealth families attend active, outdoor summer camps and nature programs.

Candidate Forums

2022 Endorsements